Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1)¶
- class qsdsan.processes.ADM1(components=None, path=None, N_xc=0.002686, N_I=0.004286, N_aa=0.007, f_ch_xc=0.2, f_pr_xc=0.2, f_li_xc=0.3, f_xI_xc=0.2, f_fa_li=0.95, f_bu_su=0.13, f_pro_su=0.27, f_ac_su=0.41, f_va_aa=0.23, f_bu_aa=0.26, f_pro_aa=0.05, f_ac_aa=0.4, f_ac_fa=0.7, f_pro_va=0.54, f_ac_va=0.31, f_ac_bu=0.8, f_ac_pro=0.57, Y_su=0.1, Y_aa=0.08, Y_fa=0.06, Y_c4=0.06, Y_pro=0.04, Y_ac=0.05, Y_h2=0.06, q_dis=0.5, q_ch_hyd=10, q_pr_hyd=10, q_li_hyd=10, k_su=30, k_aa=50, k_fa=6, k_c4=20, k_pro=13, k_ac=8, k_h2=35, K_su=0.5, K_aa=0.3, K_fa=0.4, K_c4=0.2, K_pro=0.1, K_ac=0.15, K_h2=7e-06, b_su=0.02, b_aa=0.02, b_fa=0.02, b_c4=0.02, b_pro=0.02, b_ac=0.02, b_h2=0.02, KI_h2_fa=5e-06, KI_h2_c4=1e-05, KI_h2_pro=3.5e-06, KI_nh3=0.0018, KS_IN=0.0001, pH_limits_aa=(4, 5.5), pH_limits_ac=(6, 7), pH_limits_h2=(5, 6), T_base=298.15, pKa_base=[14, 9.25, 6.35, 4.76, 4.88, 4.82, 4.86], Ka_dH=[55900, 51965, 7646, 0, 0, 0, 0], kLa=200, K_H_base=[0.00078, 0.0014, 0.035], K_H_dH=[-4180, -14240, -19410], **kwargs)¶
Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1. [1], [2]
- Parameters:
components (class:CompiledComponents, optional) – Components corresponding to each entry in the stoichiometry array, defaults to thermosteam.settings.chemicals.
path (str, optional) – Alternative file path for the Petersen matrix. The default is None.
N_xc (float, optional) – Nitrogen content of composite materials [kmol N/kg COD]. The default is 2.686e-3.
N_I (float, optional) – Nitrogen content of inert organics [kmol N/kg COD]. The default is 4.286e-3.
N_aa (float, optional) – Nitrogen content of amino acids [kmol N/kg COD]. The default is 7e-3.
f_ch_xc (float, optional) – Fraction of carbohydrates from composite disintegration [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.2.
f_pr_xc (float, optional) – Fraction of proteins from composite disintegration [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.2.
f_li_xc (float, optional) – Fraction of lipids from composite disintegration [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.3.
f_xI_xc (float, optional) – Fraction of inert particulates from composite disintegration [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.2.
f_fa_li (float, optional) – Fraction of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) from hydrolysis of lipids [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.95.
f_bu_su (float, optional) – Fraction of butyrate from sugars [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.13.
f_pro_su (float, optional) – Fraction of propionate from sugars [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.27.
f_ac_su (float, optional) – Fraction of acetate from sugars [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.41.
f_va_aa (float, optional) – Fraction of valerate from amino acids [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.23.
f_bu_aa (float, optional) – Fraction of butyrate from amino acids [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.26.
f_pro_aa (float, optional) – Fraction of propionate from amino acids [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.05.
f_ac_aa (float, optional) – Fraction of acetate from amino acids [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.4.
f_ac_fa (float, optional) – Fraction of acetate from LCFAs [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.7.
f_pro_va (float, optional) – Fraction of propionate from LCFAs [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.54.
f_ac_va (float, optional) – Fraction of acetate from valerate [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.31.
f_ac_bu (float, optional) – Fraction of acetate from butyrate [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.8.
f_ac_pro (float, optional) – Fraction of acetate from propionate [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.57.
Y_su (float, optional) – Biomass yield of sugar uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.1.
Y_aa (float, optional) – Biomass yield of amino acid uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.08.
Y_fa (float, optional) – Biomass yield of LCFA uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.06.
Y_c4 (float, optional) – Biomass yield of butyrate or valerate uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.06.
Y_pro (float, optional) – Biomass yield of propionate uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.04.
Y_ac (float, optional) – Biomass yield of acetate uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.05.
Y_h2 (float, optional) – Biomass yield of H2 uptake [kg COD/kg COD]. The default is 0.06.
q_dis (float, optional) – Composites disintegration rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.5.
q_ch_hyd (float, optional) – Carbohydrate hydrolysis rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 10.
q_pr_hyd (float, optional) – Protein hydrolysis rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 10.
q_li_hyd (float, optional) – Lipid hydrolysis rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 10.
k_su (float, optional) – Sugar uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 30.
k_aa (float, optional) – Amino acid uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 50.
k_fa (float, optional) – LCFA uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 6.
k_c4 (float, optional) – Butyrate or valerate uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 20.
k_pro (float, optional) – Propionate uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 13.
k_ac (float, optional) – Acetate uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 8.
k_h2 (float, optional) – H2 uptake rate constant [d^(-1)]. The default is 35.
K_su (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of sugar uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 0.5.
K_aa (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of amino acid uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 0.3.
K_fa (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of LCFA uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 0.4.
K_c4 (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of butyrate or valerate uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 0.2.
K_pro (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of propionate uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 0.1.
K_ac (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of acetate uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 0.15.
K_h2 (float, optional) – Half saturation coefficient of H2 uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 7e-6.
b_su (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of sugar-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
b_aa (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of amino-acid-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
b_fa (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of LCFA-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
b_c4 (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of valerate- or butyrate-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
b_pro (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of propionate-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
b_ac (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of acetate-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
b_h2 (float, optional) – Decay rate constant of H2-uptaking biomass [d^(-1)]. The default is 0.02.
KI_h2_fa (float, optional) – H2 inhibition coefficient for LCFA uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 5e-6.
KI_h2_c4 (float, optional) – H2 inhibition coefficient for butyrate or valerate uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 1e-5.
KI_h2_pro (float, optional) – H2 inhibition coefficient for propionate uptake [kg COD/m3]. The default is 3.5e-6.
KI_nh3 (float, optional) – Free ammonia inhibition coefficient for acetate uptake [M]. The default is 1.8e-3.
KS_IN (float, optional) – Inorganic nitrogen (nutrient) inhibition coefficient for soluble substrate uptake [M]. The default is 1e-4.
pH_limits_aa (2-tuple, optional) – Lower and upper limits of pH inhibition for acidogens and acetogens, unitless. The default is (4,5.5).
pH_limits_ac (2-tuple, optional) – Lower and upper limits of pH inhibition for aceticlastic methanogens, unitless. The default is (6,7).
pH_limits_h2 (2-tuple, optional) – Lower and upper limits of pH inhibition for H2-utilizing methanogens, unitless. The default is (5,6).
T_base (float, optional) – Base temperature for kinetic parameters [K]. The default is 298.15.
pKa_base (iterable[float], optional) – pKa (equilibrium coefficient) values of acid-base pairs at the base temperature, unitless, following the order of ADM1._acid_base_pairs. The default is [14, 9.25, 6.35, 4.76, 4.88, 4.82, 4.86].
Ka_dH (iterable[float], optional) – Heat of reaction of each acid-base pair at base temperature [J/mol], following the order of ADM1._acid_base_pairs. The default is [55900, 51965, 7646, 0, 0, 0, 0].
kLa (float, optional) – Liquid-gas mass transfer coefficient [d^(-1)]. The default is 200.
K_H_base (iterable[float], optional) – Henry’s Law coefficients of biogas species at the base temperature [M dissolved in liquid/bar]. Follows the order of ADM1._biogas_IDs. The default is [7.8e-4, 1.4e-3, 3.5e-2].
K_H_dH (iterable[float], optional) – Heat of reaction of liquid-gas transfer of biogas species [J/mol]. Follows the order of ADM1._biogas_IDs. The default is [-4180, -14240, -19410].
>>> from qsdsan import processes as pc >>> cmps = pc.create_adm1_cmps() >>> adm1 = pc.ADM1() >>> ADM1([disintegration, hydrolysis_carbs, hydrolysis_proteins, hydrolysis_lipids, uptake_sugars, uptake_amino_acids, uptake_LCFA, uptake_valerate, uptake_butyrate, uptake_propionate, uptake_acetate, uptake_h2, decay_Xsu, decay_Xaa, decay_Xfa, decay_Xc4, decay_Xpro, decay_Xac, decay_Xh2, h2_transfer, ch4_transfer, IC_transfer])
- check_stoichiometric_parameters()¶
Check whether product COD fractions sum up to 1 for each process.
- set_KI_nh3(K)¶
Set inhibition coefficient for free ammonia [M].
- set_KS_IN(K)¶
Set inhibition coefficient for inorganic nitrogen as a secondary substrate [M nitrogen].
- set_h2_inhibit_K(KI, process)¶
Set the H2 inhibition coefficient [kg/m3] for a process given its ID.
- set_half_sat_K(K, process)¶
Set the substrate half saturation coefficient [kg/m3] for a process given its ID.
- set_pH_inhibit_bounds(process, lower=None, upper=None)¶
Set the upper and/or lower limit(s) of pH inhibition [unitless] for a process given its ID.
- set_pKas(pKas)¶
Set the pKa values of the acid-base reactions at the base temperature.
- set_parameters(**parameters)¶
Set values to stoichiometric parameters in ADM1._stoichio_params.
- set_rate_constant(k, process)¶
Set the reaction rate constant [d^(-1)] for a process given its ID.