Electrochemical Cell

QSDsan: Quantitative Sustainable Design for sanitation and resource recovery systems

This module is developed by:

Smiti Mittal <smitimittal@gmail.com> Yalin Li <mailto.yalin.li@gmail.com> Anna Kogler <akogler@stanford.edu>

This module is under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Please refer to https://github.com/QSD-Group/QSDsan/blob/main/LICENSE.txt for license details.

Reference for the default electrochemical cell modelled below:

Evaluating Membrane Performance in Electrochemical Stripping Reactor for Nitrogen Removal Julia Simon, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University Principal Investigator: Professor William Tarpeh Second Reader: Professor Gerald Fuller

class qsdsan.sanunits._electrochemical_cell.ElectrochemicalCell(ID='', ins: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = (), outs: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = (), recovery={'NH3': 0.7}, removal={'K+': 0.83, 'NH3': 0.83, 'Na+': 0.8}, OPEX_over_CAPEX=0.2)

Electrochemical cell for nutrient recovery.

This unit has the following equipment:
  • recovery (dict) – Keys refer to chemical component IDs. Values refer to recovery fractions (with 1 being 100%) for the respective chemicals.

  • removal (dict) – Keys refer to chemical component IDs. Values refer to removal fractions (with 1 being 100%) for the respective chemicals.

  • equipment (list(obj)) – List of Equipment objects part of the Electrochemical Cell.

  • OPEX_over_CAPEX (float) – Ratio with which operating costs are calculated as a fraction of capital costs


>>> # Set components
>>> import qsdsan as qs
>>> kwargs = dict(particle_size='Soluble',
...               degradability='Undegradable',
...               organic=False)
>>> H2O = qs.Component.from_chemical('H2O', phase='l', **kwargs)
>>> NH3 = qs.Component.from_chemical('NH3', phase='g', **kwargs)
>>> NH3.particle_size = 'Dissolved gas'
>>> H2SO4 = qs.Component.from_chemical('H2SO4', phase='l', **kwargs)
>>> AmmoniumSulfate = qs.Component.from_chemical('AmmoniumSulfate', phase='l',
...                                              **kwargs)
>>> Na_ion = qs.Component.from_chemical('Na+', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> K_ion = qs.Component.from_chemical('K+', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> Cl_ion = qs.Component.from_chemical('Cl-', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> PO4_ion = qs.Component.from_chemical('Phosphate', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> SO4_ion = qs.Component.from_chemical('Sulfate', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> C = qs.Component.from_chemical('Carbon', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> COD = qs.Component.from_chemical('O2', phase='s', **kwargs)
>>> cmps = qs.Components((H2O, NH3, H2SO4, AmmoniumSulfate, Na_ion, K_ion, Cl_ion, PO4_ion, SO4_ion, C, COD))
>>> # Assuming all has the same molar volume as water for demonstration purpose
>>> for cmp in cmps:
...     cmp.copy_models_from(H2O, names=['V'])
...     defaulted_properties = cmp.default()
>>> qs.set_thermo(cmps)
>>> # Set waste streams
>>> influent = qs.WasteStream('influent')
>>> influent.set_flow_by_concentration(flow_tot=0.5, concentrations={'NH3':3820,
...                                     'Na+':1620, 'K+':1470, 'Cl-':3060, 'Phosphate':169,
...                                     'Sulfate':1680, 'Carbon':1860, 'O2':3460}, units=('mL/min', 'mg/L'))
>>> influent.show()
WasteStream: influent
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (g/hr): H2O        29.5
              NH3        0.115
              Na+        0.0486
              K+         0.0441
              Cl-        0.0918
              Phosphate  0.00507
              Sulfate    0.0504
              Carbon     0.0558
              O2         0.104
 WasteStream-specific properties:
  pH         : 7.0
  Alkalinity : 2.5 mg/L
  TC         : 1860.0 mg/L
  TP         : 31.9 mg/L
  TK         : 1470.0 mg/L
 Component concentrations (mg/L):
  H2O              984514.0
  NH3              3820.0
  Na+              1620.0
  K+               1470.0
  Cl-              3060.0
  Phosphate        169.0
  Sulfate          1680.0
  Carbon           1860.0
  O2               3460.0
>>> catalysts = qs.WasteStream('catalysts', H2SO4=0.00054697, units=('kg/hr'))
>>> # kg/hr imass value derived from 0.145 moles used on average for one, 26 hour experiment in the model cell
>>> catalysts.price = 8.4 #in $/kg
>>> # electricity price for ECS experiments in the default model tested by the Tarpeh Lab
>>> # if want to change the price of electricity,
>>> # use qs.PowerUtility, e.g., qs.PowerUtility.price = 0.1741
>>> # Set the unit
>>> U1 = qs.sanunits.ElectrochemicalCell('unit_1', ins=(influent, catalysts), outs=('recovered', 'removed', 'residual'))
>>> # Simulate and look at the results
>>> U1.simulate()
>>> U1.results()
Electrochemical cell                                      Units                              unit_1
Electricity         Power                                    kW                            5.42e-05
                    Cost                                 USD/hr                            4.24e-06
Design              Electrode unit_1_Main_Anode - Nu...    None                                   1
                    Electrode unit_1_Main_Anode - Ma...    None  titanium grid catalyst welded t...
                    Electrode unit_1_Main_Anode - Su...      m2                                   1
                    Electrode unit_1_Main_Cathode - ...    None                                   1
                    Electrode unit_1_Main_Cathode - ...    None  timesetl 3pcs stainless steel w...
                    Electrode unit_1_Main_Cathode - ...      m2                                30.2
                    Electrode unit_1_Current_Collect...    None                                   1
                    Electrode unit_1_Current_Collect...    None    stainless steel 26 gauge 5.5 x 7
                    Electrode unit_1_Current_Collect...      m2                                38.5
                    Electrode unit_1_Reference_Elect...    None                                   1
                    Electrode unit_1_Reference_Elect...    None  re-5b ag/agcl, 7.5 cm long, wit...
                    Electrode unit_1_Reference_Elect...      m2                                   1
                    Membrane unit_1_Cation_Exchange_...                                           1
                    Membrane unit_1_Cation_Exchange_...          CMI-7000S, polystyrene 0.45mm t...
                    Membrane unit_1_Cation_Exchange_...      m2                                30.2
                    Membrane unit_1_Gas_Permeable_Me...                                           1
                    Membrane unit_1_Gas_Permeable_Me...          Aquastill 0.3-micron polyethyle...
                    Membrane unit_1_Gas_Permeable_Me...      m2                                30.2
Purchase cost       unit_1_Main_Anode                       USD                                 288
                    unit_1_Main_Cathode                     USD                               0.847
                    unit_1_Current_Collector_Cathode        USD                                39.9
                    unit_1_Reference_Electrode              USD                                  94
                    unit_1_Cation_Exchange_Membrane         USD                                 167
                    unit_1_Gas_Permeable_Membrane           USD                                29.3
                    Exterior                                USD                                60.5
Total purchase cost                                         USD                                 679
Utility cost                                             USD/hr                            4.24e-06
Additional OPEX                                          USD/hr                                 136
>>> U1.show() 
ElectrochemicalCell: unit_1
[0] influent
phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
flow (g/hr): H2O        29.5
line: str = 'Electrochemical cell'

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class