Heat Exchanging

QSDsan: Quantitative Sustainable Design for sanitation and resource recovery systems

This module is developed by:

Part of this module is based on the biosteam package: https://github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam

This module is under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Please refer to https://github.com/QSD-Group/QSDsan/blob/main/LICENSE.txt for license details.

class qsdsan.sanunits._heat_exchanging.HXprocess(ID='', ins: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = None, outs: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = (), thermo=None, init_with='Stream', F_BM_default=None, *, U=None, dT=5.0, T_lim0=None, T_lim1=None, material='Carbon steel/carbon steel', heat_exchanger_type='Floating head', N_shells=2, ft=None, phase0=None, phase1=None, H_lim0=None, H_lim1=None, inner_fluid_pressure_drop=None, outer_fluid_pressure_drop=None, neglect_pressure_drop=True)

Similar to biosteam.units.HXprocess, but can be initialized with qsdsan.SanStream and qsdsan.WasteStream.


[float] Temperature limit of outlet stream at index 0.


[float] Temperature limit of outlet stream at index 1.


Number of shells for LMTD correction factor method.


[float] Temperature limit of outlet stream at index 0.


[float] Temperature limit of outlet stream at index 1.


[float] Enforced overall heat transfer coefficient (kW/m^2/K)


[float] Pinch temperature difference.


User imposed correction factor.


Optional[float] Pressure drop along the inner fluid.

line: str = 'Heat exchanger'

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class


[bool] Whether to assume a negligible pressure drop.


Optional[float] Pressure drop along the outer fluid.


Enforced phase of outlet at index 0


Enforced phase of outlet at index 1


Run mass and energy balance. This method also runs specifications user defined specifications unless it is being run within a specification (to avoid infinite loops).

See also

_run, specifications, add_specification, add_bounded_numerical_specification


[float] Total heat transferred in kW (not including losses).

class qsdsan.sanunits._heat_exchanging.HXutility(ID='', ins: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = None, outs: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = (), thermo=None, init_with='Stream', F_BM_default=None, include_construction=True, T=None, V=None, rigorous=False, U=None, H=None, heat_exchanger_type='Floating head', material='Carbon steel/carbon steel', N_shells=2, ft=None, heat_only=None, cool_only=None, heat_transfer_efficiency=None, inner_fluid_pressure_drop=None, outer_fluid_pressure_drop=None, neglect_pressure_drop=True, furnace_pressure=None)

Similar to biosteam.units.HXutility, but can be initialized with qsdsan.SanStream and qsdsan.WasteStream and calculate material usage based on [1].



[float] Enthalpy of outlet stream.


Number of shells for LMTD correction factor method.


[float] Temperature of outlet stream (K).


[float] Enforced overall heat transfer coefficient (kW/m^2/K)


[float] Vapor fraction of outlet stream.


[bool] If True, heat exchanger can only cool.


User imposed correction factor.


Optional[float] Internal pressure of combustion gas. Defaults 500 psig (equivalent to 3548325.0 Pa)


[bool] If True, heat exchanger can only heat.


[bool] User enforced heat transfer efficiency. A value less than 1 means that a fraction of heat transferred is lost to the environment. If value is None, it defaults to the heat transfer efficiency of the heat utility.


Optional[float] Pressure drop along the inner fluid.

line: str = 'Heat exchanger'

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class


[bool] Whether to assume a negligible pressure drop.


Optional[float] Pressure drop along the outer fluid.


[bool] If true, calculate vapor liquid equilibrium


Run mass and energy balance. This method also runs specifications user defined specifications unless it is being run within a specification (to avoid infinite loops).

See also

_run, specifications, add_specification, add_bounded_numerical_specification

class qsdsan.sanunits._heat_exchanging.HeatExchangerNetwork(ID='', T_min_app=5.0, units=None, ignored=None, Qmin=0.001, force_ideal_thermo=False, cache_network=False, avoid_recycle=False, acceptable_energy_balance_error=None, replace_unit_heat_utilities=False, sort_hus_by_T=False)

Similar to the biosteam.units.facilities.HeatExchangerNetwork, but also a subclass of qsdsan.SanUnit


>>> import qsdsan as qs
>>> from qsdsan import Stream, sanunits as su
>>> from qsdsan.utils import create_example_components
>>> qs.set_thermo(create_example_components())
>>> salt_water = Stream('salt_water', Water=2000, NaCl=50, units='kg/hr')
>>> methanol = Stream('methanol', Methanol=20, units='kg/hr')
>>> ethanol = Stream('ethanol', Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> M1 = su.MixTank('M1', ins=(salt_water, 'recycled_brine', methanol, ethanol), init_with='Stream')
>>> P1 = su.Pump('P1', ins=M1-0, init_with='Stream')
>>> H1 = su.HXutility('H1', ins=P1-0, T=350, init_with='Stream')
>>> S1 = su.ComponentSplitter('S1', ins=H1-0, split_keys=('Methanol', 'Ethanol'), init_with='Stream')
>>> M2 = su.Mixer('M2', ins=(S1-0, S1-1), outs='alcohols', init_with='Stream')
>>> S2 = su.Splitter('S2', ins=S1-2, outs=(1-M1, 'waste_brine'), split=0.2, init_with='Stream')
>>> H2 = su.HXutility('H2', ins=S2.outs[1], T=280, init_with='Stream')
>>> HXN = su.HeatExchangerNetwork('HXN')
>>> sys = qs.System('sys', path=(M1, P1, H1, S1, M2, S2, H2), facilities=(HXN,))
>>> sys.simulate()
>>> # The actual utility usage is just 30% of the original one (i.e., without HXN)
>>> round(HXN.actual_heat_util_load/HXN.original_heat_util_load, 2)
>>> HXN.stream_life_cycles 
[<StreamLifeCycle: Stream_0, cold
    life_cycle = [
            <LifeStage: <HXprocess: HX_0_1_hs>, H_in = 0 kJ, H_out = 3.15e+05 kJ>
            <LifeStage: <HXutility: Util_0_hs>, H_in = 3.15e+05 kJ, H_out = 4.4e+05 kJ>
 <StreamLifeCycle: Stream_1, hot
    life_cycle = [
            <LifeStage: <HXprocess: HX_0_1_hs>, H_in = 3.49e+05 kJ, H_out = 3.36e+04 kJ>
            <LifeStage: <HXutility: Util_1_cs>, H_in = 3.36e+04 kJ, H_out = -1.22e+05 kJ>
line: str = 'Heat exchanger network'

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class


Run mass and energy balance. This method also runs specifications user defined specifications unless it is being run within a specification (to avoid infinite loops).

See also

_run, specifications, add_specification, add_bounded_numerical_specification