SanUnit (basic)

  • Prepared by:

  • Covered topics:

    • 1. Understanding SanUnit/sanunits/Unit

    • 2. Using existing SanUnit subclasses

  • Video demo:

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import qsdsan as qs
print(f'This tutorial was made with qsdsan v{qs.__version__}.')
This tutorial was made with qsdsan v1.2.0.

1. Understanding SanUnit/sanunits/Unit

The SanUnit class is used to model the design and operation of a unit operation through default or user-implemented algorithms. Upon simulation, it will generate the influent/effluent mass/energy flows and construction/operation inventories. It is (imo) the most extensible class in qsdsan and most directly relevant to new technologies.

In this tutorial, we will focus on how to use existing SanUnit classes, creation of new SanUnit subclasses will be covered in the next tutorial.

1.1. SanUnit and sanunits

# In qsdsan's top-level diretory, you will see two entries related to SanUnit:

This means that SanUnit is a class in the _sanunit module (i.e., there is a file called within the folder qsdsan). is the script that contains the codes used to develop the class SanUnit.

In qsdsan, Equipment/equipments (used to add equipment to a unit operation, discussed later in the advanced SanUnit tutorial) and Process/processes (used for dynamic simulation, will be discussed in a separate tutorial) also follow the same structure.

# If you check
<module 'qsdsan.sanunits' from '/Users/yalinli_cabbi/opt/anaconda3/envs/demo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qsdsan/sanunits/'>

As shown in the output, sanunits is actually a folder. This folder contains the unit operations (i.e., subclasses of SanUnit) that have already been developed using qsdsan, and you can access them through qs.sanunits.<SanUnitName>


Usually, <Hint> are used to let readers know that they are supposed to replace whatever in the <> with their own inputs. So what I meant above is just that you’ll want to replace the <SanUnitName> with the actual name of the unit operation, e.g., qs.sanunits.PitLatrine


How did I know that is a file/script but sanunits is a folder (other than the reason that I made them XD)?

# Because when you do
<module 'qsdsan._sanunit' from '/Users/yalinli_cabbi/opt/anaconda3/envs/demo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qsdsan/'>

It ends with, but for qs.sanunits, it ends with .../sanunits/

The is a script used in Python to initialize the importing of other scripts within this folder (and you can also add some other codes in it, and those codes would be executed when you import the folder).

# If you put in `qs.sanunits.` in the cell/console and hit the tab key on your keyboard,
# you will see a list of the available unit operations you can use
# (all of them have been added as attributes to the `sanunits` module upon importing)

# Sometimes the list won't show up (e.g., your console is busy and takes a while to load),
# you can directly access the list by the `dir` function

Note that there’s more to how dir works, to know more, check the documentation.


Now you might be wondering about the other entries are. Attributes with leading and trailing double underscores (dunder) are Python builtin attributes, for example

# Recall that in previous tutorials we used the `__path__` attribute to look at
# where the imported qsdsan was

Attributes that start with one underscore are private attributes and by default “hidden”, (i.e., if you hit the tab key, they won’t be included in the list).

These are the attributes that developers don’t think user need to/want users to know, that’s why the script that contains the codes used to develop the SanUnit class is named with a leading underscore - the users don’t need to know about the existence of this module, they can just use the SanUnit class.

1.2. SanUnit and Unit

# As always, we learn how to use a class by looking at its documentation

You can see that SanUnit is a subclass with the Unit class in biosteam, like we mentioned in the previous tutorials, this means it inherits the attributes of the Unit class while having some new features (e.g., enables dynamic simulation, supports comprehensive LCA).

In qsdsan, if a class is inherited from a biosteam (e.g., SanUnit from Unit)/thermosteam (e.g., WasteStream from Stream) class, the class-level document will only display the new features, but the documentation of the attributes from the superclasses is still accessible.

# E.g., `simulation` is a method inherited from the `Unit` class and you can still see the documentation
# you can actually see the hint on whether the attribute is inherited in the documentation
# In the case you can't remember what the superclass is, you can do

Note that the __bases__ attribute is a tuple, this is because one class can have multiple superclasses, in the case of SanUnit, there is only one

# But in the case of the `Toilet` class, there are two
(qsdsan._sanunit.SanUnit, qsdsan.sanunits._decay.Decay)

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2. Using existing SanUnit subclasses

In Python terms, the “use” here means creating instances of a SanUnit subclass.

2.1. Instance initialization (creation) and simulation

# Like always, we need to firstly tell `qsdsan` what components we will be working with,
# for demo purpose we will just use the default ones
cmps = qs.Components.load_default()
CompiledComponents([S_H2, S_CH4, S_CH3OH, S_Ac, S_Prop, S_F, S_U_Inf, S_U_E, C_B_Subst, C_B_BAP, C_B_UAP, C_U_Inf, X_B_Subst, X_OHO_PHA, X_GAO_PHA, X_PAO_PHA, X_GAO_Gly, X_PAO_Gly, X_OHO, X_AOO, X_NOO, X_AMO, X_PAO, X_MEOLO, X_FO, X_ACO, X_HMO, X_PRO, X_U_Inf, X_U_OHO_E, X_U_PAO_E, X_Ig_ISS, X_MgCO3, X_CaCO3, X_MAP, X_HAP, X_HDP, X_FePO4, X_AlPO4, X_AlOH, X_FeOH, X_PAO_PP_Lo, X_PAO_PP_Hi, S_NH4, S_NO2, S_NO3, S_PO4, S_K, S_Ca, S_Mg, S_CO3, S_N2, S_O2, S_CAT, S_AN, H2O])

Let’s firstly try using a Mixer, it is one of the most basic units, it takes N numbers of influents and the effluent is the mixture of all influents.

# Make three random influents, I'm deliberately using different ways to make these streams
# as a recap previous tutorials

# Method 1: by directly providing the flow rates of select components
ins1 = qs.WasteStream(H2O=100)

# Method 2: using `copy` and adjust flow rates later
ins2 = ins1.copy()
ins2.imol['X_GAO_Gly'] = ins2.imol['X_GAO_PHA'] = 0.01

# Method 3: using default models
ins3 = qs.WasteStream.codstates_inf_model('', flow_tot=50)
# Use a shorthand to make our lives easier
su = qs.sanunits

# This is the actual line used to initialize the instance,
# and we can pass the influents through the `ins` argument
M1 = su.Mixer(ins=(ins1, ins2, ins3))
# Like many other classes, there is a `show` method
Mixer: M1
[0] ws1
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): H2O  1e+05
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
[1] ws2
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): X_GAO_PHA  10
                 X_GAO_Gly  10
                 H2O        1e+05
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 199.4 mg/L
     BOD        : 115.6 mg/L
     TC         : 70.6 mg/L
     TOC        : 70.6 mg/L
[2] ws3
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): S_F        4.3
                 S_U_Inf    1.08
                 C_B_Subst  2
                 X_B_Subst  11.3
                 X_U_Inf    2.79
                 X_Ig_ISS   2.62
                 S_NH4      1.25
                 S_PO4      0.4
                 S_K        1.4
                 S_Ca       7
                 S_Mg       2.5
                 S_CO3      6
                 S_N2       0.9
                 S_CAT      0.15
                 S_AN       0.6
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 430.0 mg/L
     BOD        : 221.8 mg/L
     TC         : 265.0 mg/L
     TOC        : 137.6 mg/L
     TN         : 40.0 mg/L
     TP         : 10.0 mg/L
     TK         : 28.0 mg/L
[0] ws4
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow: 0
    WasteStream-specific properties: None for empty waste streams

Hold on a second, why the effluent is empty?!!! 😱😱😱

# Well, we have to simulate the unit first
Mixer: M1
[0] ws1
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): H2O  1e+05
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
[1] ws2
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): X_GAO_PHA  10
                 X_GAO_Gly  10
                 H2O        1e+05
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 199.4 mg/L
     BOD        : 115.6 mg/L
     TC         : 70.6 mg/L
     TOC        : 70.6 mg/L
[2] ws3
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): S_F        4.3
                 S_U_Inf    1.08
                 C_B_Subst  2
                 X_B_Subst  11.3
                 X_U_Inf    2.79
                 X_Ig_ISS   2.62
                 S_NH4      1.25
                 S_PO4      0.4
                 S_K        1.4
                 S_Ca       7
                 S_Mg       2.5
                 S_CO3      6
                 S_N2       0.9
                 S_CAT      0.15
                 S_AN       0.6
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 430.0 mg/L
     BOD        : 221.8 mg/L
     TC         : 265.0 mg/L
     TOC        : 137.6 mg/L
     TN         : 40.0 mg/L
     TP         : 10.0 mg/L
     TK         : 28.0 mg/L
[0] ws4
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): S_F        4.3
                 S_U_Inf    1.08
                 C_B_Subst  2
                 X_B_Subst  11.3
                 X_GAO_PHA  10
                 X_GAO_Gly  10
                 X_U_Inf    2.79
                 X_Ig_ISS   2.62
                 S_NH4      1.25
                 S_PO4      0.4
                 S_K        1.4
                 S_Ca       7
                 S_Mg       2.5
                 S_CO3      6
                 S_N2       0.9
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 165.6 mg/L
     BOD        : 90.5 mg/L
     TC         : 81.1 mg/L
     TOC        : 55.7 mg/L
     TN         : 8.0 mg/L
     TP         : 2.0 mg/L
     TK         : 5.6 mg/L

Aha! Now we are seeing the effluent being simulated.

# If you recall the `mix_from` method of `WasteStream`,
# effluent of the `Mixer` is actually generated by it
ws4 = qs.WasteStream()
# We can check if the flow rate of ws4 is the same as the effluent of the mixer M1
ws4.mass == M1.outs[0].mass
property_array([ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
                 True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
                 True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
                 True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
                 True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
                 True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
                 True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True]))
# As you can see in the above examples,
# I use `ins` and `outs` to set/retrieve the influents and effluents of a unit
# Alternatively, there is the `diagram` method for a more intuitive look


If you cannot get a diagram from the diagram method, you probably don’t have the graphviz package, which is used to generate the diagram, for more information, check QSDsan’s documentation on this issue

# Do the following to confirm that it is indeed `graphviz` causing the problem
import biosteam as bst

# If you can see error message now, then it's definitely `graphvize`, check the link above to fix it

2.2. Retrieving design and cost

# Note that `Mixer` does nothing other than mix the influents,
# let's using another example
qs.set_thermo(cmps) # here we need to reset the `cmps` since I introduced the `biosteam` environment
M2 = su.MixTank('M2', ins=(ins1, ins2, ins3), outs='M2out', # init_with='WasteStream',
                tau=1, kW_per_m3=1)
/var/folders/m0/nkxljwvx1nlg1hw9npshjgm40000gn/T/ipykernel_32589/ RuntimeWarning: undocked inlet stream ws1 from unit M1; ws1 is now docked at M2
  M2 = su.MixTank('M2', ins=(ins1, ins2, ins3), outs='M2out', # init_with='WasteStream',
/var/folders/m0/nkxljwvx1nlg1hw9npshjgm40000gn/T/ipykernel_32589/ RuntimeWarning: undocked inlet stream ws2 from unit M1; ws2 is now docked at M2
  M2 = su.MixTank('M2', ins=(ins1, ins2, ins3), outs='M2out', # init_with='WasteStream',
/var/folders/m0/nkxljwvx1nlg1hw9npshjgm40000gn/T/ipykernel_32589/ RuntimeWarning: undocked inlet stream ws3 from unit M1; ws3 is now docked at M2
  M2 = su.MixTank('M2', ins=(ins1, ins2, ins3), outs='M2out', # init_with='WasteStream',
MixTank: M2
[0] ws1
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): H2O  1e+05
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
[1] ws2
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): X_GAO_PHA  10
                 X_GAO_Gly  10
                 H2O        1e+05
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 199.4 mg/L
     BOD        : 115.6 mg/L
     TC         : 70.6 mg/L
     TOC        : 70.6 mg/L
[2] ws3
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (g/hr): S_F        4.3
                 S_U_Inf    1.08
                 C_B_Subst  2
                 X_B_Subst  11.3
                 X_U_Inf    2.79
                 X_Ig_ISS   2.62
                 S_NH4      1.25
                 S_PO4      0.4
                 S_K        1.4
                 S_Ca       7
                 S_Mg       2.5
                 S_CO3      6
                 S_N2       0.9
                 S_CAT      0.15
                 S_AN       0.6
    WasteStream-specific properties:
     pH         : 7.0
     COD        : 430.0 mg/L
     BOD        : 221.8 mg/L
     TC         : 265.0 mg/L
     TOC        : 137.6 mg/L
     TN         : 40.0 mg/L
     TP         : 10.0 mg/L
     TK         : 28.0 mg/L
[0] M2out
    phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow: 0
    WasteStream-specific properties: None for empty waste streams

Two things to take note of in the example above: - By setting outs='M2out', I set the ID of the effluent to be M2out - You can also make a stream ahead of time and set the effluent to that stream (e.g., outs=qs.WasteStream('M2out') - If the unit has multiple effluents, then you’ll want to use an Iterable (e.g., tuple, list), e.g., outs=['M2out1', qs.WasteStream('M2out2')] - This is applicable to ins as well - You will see warnings about streams being undocked from the previous unit and docked at the new unit, this is because we set the ins of M2 to be the same as the ins of M1. Since one stream can only go to one unit, these streams will be taken away from M1 and connect to M2

# Because `M2` is a `MixTank`, we can look at its design
M2.simulate() # don't forget this!
print(M2.results()) # you can see the design and capital/power cost
Mix tank                              Units       M2
Power               Rate                 kW    0.313
                    Cost             USD/hr   0.0245
Design              Residence time       hr        1
                    Total volume        m^3    0.313
                    Number of tanks                1
Purchase cost       Tanks               USD 7.09e+03
Total purchase cost                     USD 7.09e+03
Utility cost                         USD/hr   0.0245
Additional OPEX                      USD/hr        0
# If there is utility usage, it will be shown in the results as well
ws5 = qs.WasteStream(H2O=10, T=20)
H1 = su.HXutility(ins=ws5, T=50)
HXutility                                                 Units       U1
Low pressure steam  Duty                                  kJ/hr 1.48e+03
                    Flow                                kmol/hr   0.0382
                    Cost                                 USD/hr  0.00909
Design              Area                                   ft^2   0.0235
                    Overall heat transfer coefficient  kW/m^2/K      0.5
                    Log-mean temperature difference           K      377
                    Fouling correction factor                          1
                    Tube side pressure drop                 psi      1.5
                    Shell side pressure drop                psi        5
                    Operating pressure                      psi       50
                    Total tube length                        ft       20
Purchase cost       Double pipe                             USD     30.4
Total purchase cost                                         USD     30.4
Utility cost                                             USD/hr  0.00909
Additional OPEX                                          USD/hr        0
# You can also retrieve information such as
M2.purchase_cost # this is the sum
M2.purchase_costs # this is a `dict` contains all the entries
{'Tanks': 7094.051785713411}
# Well, I probably should choose one with more cost items, but you get what I meant
print(f'{M2.ID} contains the following cost items:')
for item_name, item_cost in M2.installed_costs.items():
    print(f'    {item_name} costs {item_cost:.0f}')
print(f'The sum of all these cost items is {M2.installed_cost:.0f}.')
M2 contains the following cost items:
    Tanks costs 11705
The sum of all these cost items is 11705.


Some units may require specific components or certain number of influents, for example

# You'll receive an `UndefinedComponent` error
# bad_su = su.Excretion()
# bad_su.simulate()

For those units, the best way is to look at the documentation/examples (e.g., for the above case, check the bwaise system in the link of the documentation).

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