
QSDsan: Quantitative Sustainable Design for sanitation and resource recovery systems

This module is developed by:

Part of this module is based on the BioSTEAM package:

This module is under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Please refer to for license details.

class qsdsan.sanunits._combustion.BiogasCombustion(ID='', ins: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = None, outs: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = (), thermo=None, init_with='WasteStream', if_combustion=False, biogas_loss=0.1, biogas_eff=0.55)

Use of biogas in combustion.

Note that this unit does not include cost calculation and generation of electricity, use CHP instead for such purposes.

  • if_combustion (bool) – If include combustion reaction during simulation.

  • biogas_loss (float) – Fraction of biogas loss (e.g., leaked).

  • biogas_eff (float) – Combustion efficiency of biogas as a fraction of CH4.


bwaise systems

property biogas_eff

[float] Combustion efficiency of biogas as a fraction of CH4.

property biogas_loss

[float] Fraction of biogas loss (i.e., leaked).

line: str = 'Biogas combustion'

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class


Run mass and energy balance. This method also runs specifications user defined specifications unless it is being run within a specification (to avoid infinite loops).

See also

_run, specifications, add_specification, add_bounded_numerical_specification

class qsdsan.sanunits._combustion.CombinedHeatPower(ID='', ins: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = None, outs: Sequence[AbstractStream] | None = (), thermo=None, init_with='WasteStream', include_construction=True, unit_CAPEX=1225, CHP_type='Fuel cell', combustion_eff=0.8, combined_eff=None, system=None, supplement_power_utility=False, F_BM={'CHP': 1.0})

Combustion of all feed streams with simple estimation of the capital cost of a combined heat and power (CHP) unit based on Shoener et al. [1] and Havukainen et al. [2]

This unit is designed to always satisfy the system’s heating demand, if there is not enough energy in the feed stream, natural gas will be purchased to fill the gap.

The unit can also be set to satisfy the system power (i.e., electricity) needs if supplement_power_utility is set to True.

  • ins (Iterable(obj):) – Feed stream to be combusted, optional natural gas stream, air.

  • outs (Iterable(obj):) – Gas emission, solid ash.

  • unit_CAPEX (float) – Capital cost of the CHP per kW of power generated, $/kW.

  • CHP_type (str) – Type of the CHP to adjust the heat-to-power efficiency. Can be “Fuel cell” (40.5%), “Microturbine” (27%), “Internal combustion” (36%), “Combustion gas” (31.5%). Note that when CHP_type is provided, the set combined_efficiency will be ignored.

  • combustion_eff (float) – Efficiency of the boiler to convert the energy embedded in the feed to the heating steam.

  • combined_eff (float) – Combined heat (the total embedded energy in feed streams)-to-power efficiency (i.e., combustion efficiency * power generation efficiency).

  • system (obj) – The linked system whose heating/power utility needs will be supplied by this CHP unit.

  • supplement_power_utility (bool) –

    Whether to purchase additional natural gas to supplement energy demand.


    If energy in the feed (without natural gas) is sufficient enough, the system could still be producing power even when supplement_power_utility is False.


property CHP_type

[str] Type of the combined heat and power (CHP) type to adjust the heat-to-power efficiency. Can be “Fuel cell” (40.5%), “Microturbine” (27%), “Internal combustion” (36%), “Combustion gas” (31.5%), or None and define an efficiency.

property H_needs

Total energy needs of the system in kJ/hr, already divided by the combustion/combined efficiency.

property ash_disposal_price

[Float] Price of ash disposal, set to be the same as the price of outs[1] and bst.stream_utility_prices[‘Ash disposal’]. Negative means need to pay for ash disposal.

property combined_eff

[float] Combined heat (the total embedded energy in feed streams)-to-power efficiency (i.e., combustion efficiency * power generation efficiency). Note that when CHP_type is provided, the set combined_efficiency will be ignored.

property combustion_eff

[float] Combined heat (the total embedded energy in feed streams)-to-power efficiency (i.e., combustion efficiency * power generation efficiency).

property fuel_price

[Float] Price of fuel (natural gas), set to be the same as the price of ins[1] and bst.stream_utility_prices[‘Natural gas’].

line: str = 'Combined heat power'

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class

property natural_gas_price

[Float] Price of fuel (natural gas), set to be the same as the price of ins[1] and bst.stream_utility_prices[‘Natural gas’].


Run mass and energy balance. This method also runs specifications user defined specifications unless it is being run within a specification (to avoid infinite loops).

See also

_run, specifications, add_specification, add_bounded_numerical_specification

property sys_heating_utilities

[dict] Heating utilities (steams and natural gas) of the given system (excluding this CHP unit).

property sys_natural_gas_utilities

[dict] Steam utilities of the given system (excluding this CHP unit).

property sys_power_utilities

[dict] Power utilities of the given system (excluding this CHP unit).

property sys_steam_utilities

[dict] Steam utilities of the given system (excluding this CHP unit).

property system

[obj] The linked system whose heating/power utility needs will be supplied by this CHP unit.